Typical Workday Lunch Costs in Tokyo

Workday lunches in Tokyo

Workday lunch costs in Tokyo are pretty reasonable. This is coming from the perspective of an American who has lived in major US cities.

The average cost for weekday lunches in central Tokyo is about ¥822/day, or about $7.58 USD/day.

According to a survey, 89% of Tokyoites average under ¥1,000/day, or less than $9.09 USD/day.

33% keep it under ¥500/day, or less than $4.55 USD/day. [J]

It’s not because they’re eating bad food or barely eating anything either. There are just a lot of affordable options, including going to one of Japan’s top notch convenience stores.

I decided to test this out.

To be honest, I don’t have a strict lunch budget set, and I just go with how I feel that day. I kept track of a week of my unplanned workday lunches, eating as I usually would.

Here’s where I went and how much it cost.

Kitaka Shokudo

Kitakata Shokudo

A casual ramen shop whose style falls in the “Chuka soba” category, or Chinese soba. The broth is mainly soy sauce based, and the bowl is topped with pork.

Cost: ¥750 (~$6.83 USD)

Note: The bowl pictured above is a higher grade than what I had this week and costs ¥950 (~$8.64 USD)



This is a fast food “donburi” chain, which is basically meat on rice. More popular chains in the category include Yoshinoya or Sukiya, but Sutadonya is known to have bigger portions, be really flavorful and utilize a lot of garlic. Note: Eggs are a staple in the Japanese diet and eating raw eggs are safe in Japan.

Cost: ¥630 (~$5.74 USD)
http://sutadonya.com [J]


Ethiopia beef curry

Due to working in the Kanda area of Tokyo, there are a lot of good curry shops. It’s the curry capital of Tokyo, and Ethiopia is one of the famous ones. Their main location is this 2-story, hole-in-the-wall, and sometimes people will line up just to try it.

Cost: ¥920 (~$8.38 USD)
https://www.ethiopia-curry.com [J]

Xinglong (Koryu)

Xinglong takeout

Taking out and eating at our desks are common in my office. I tend to do this a couple times a week, either choosing foods from a convenience store (aka “conbini”) or going to a nearby restaurant for takeout. This Chinese shop is run by Chinese, and sells pretty decent combination places.

Cost: ¥500 (~$4.55 USD)

Menya Kokoro

Taiwan mazesoba at Menya Kokoro / Menya Cocoro

A small chain, Menya Kokoro is known for its Taiwan mazesoba. Oddly originating in Nagoya, Japan, Taiwan mazesoba is a soupless ramen using thick noodles in a strong sauce with flavors like dashi and garlic. It’s topped with condiments like chives, minced meat and raw egg.

Cost: ¥850 (~$7.74 USD)
https://www.menya-cocoro.com [J]

What was the total cost of lunches for the week?

In this particular week, which I would call is a typical week, I averaged ¥730/day, or about $6.63 USD/day.

My total spend for the week was ¥3,650, or about $33.16 USD.

It’s good to keep in mind, of course, that not every area is created equally. Like Shinjuku or Shibuya, I’m blessed to be working in an area with a lot of affordable food options. Some areas have fewer options or are more expensive on average.

What do you think, all things considered, it’s pretty reasonable right?

PS: I’m sorry if this lowered your food stipend for your Tokyo work trip.

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